[www.keralites.net] Question about ubuntu linux


hai friend

1>for opening .pmd files You will need to install netpmb in ubuntu,in net it is avilable you can download and use it. or you can have the wine software that helps you to install windows based softwares inside linux.

2>ubuntu and other linux based operating systems are virus free boecouse most of the virus programers ( even me) will write the virus to attack windows OS and .rm files are the script files in linux ,linux virus are available but very very less compare to windows.

3>the restrictions of linux is ,it will support only opensource product so that some files like .mp3,.mpeg will not work under linux default media player.but the softwares are available to play these file like xine,vlc for linux and all.

and the problem with ubuntu is it's kernal is based on debian, debian softwares are less available in the market and the packeging and installing will be different from other Linux os like redhat. but it is a good decision to choose ubuntu as it open source and it is the future technology.

any clarification you can contact me i will try to help you.. ebineva@gmail.com Ebin John

I am using ubuntu linux version 9.1 .

I wish to change my platform to linux instead of windows. I have the following doubts

a. Page maker documents with .pmd extensions cannot be opened in ubuntu linux.
b. Many of them says it is virus free.

c. some of them says it is not . there is .rm virus may attack.

d. what are other implications or restrictions while choosing ubuntu.

Plz help me ...


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